Rodent Block for Squirrels

The least difficult rodent blocks to find is either Forti-Diet® Pro Health™ available at most pet stores or a rodent chow available from your local feed store. While they are easy to acquire, most squirrels will not eat these unless they are offered no other alternatives. If the squirrel snubs these (and they most certainly will), you may try Native Earth’s 18% Protein 4018 Rodent Diet (Fomerly Harlan Teklad) or Oxbow’s Regal Rat food. You can purchase these online at multiple retailers, such as a,
We provide rodent block as the main diet for our squirrels in rehabilitation with great success by feeding the rodent block first and saving treats for later in the day. Once opened, store in sealed bag for freshness or freeze for longer shelf life. Block contains ingredients that can taste bad after six months.
Daily Amount: We free feed rodent blocks. Replace uneaten food frequently.
Pros: It's a nutritionally complete and balanced food for your squirrel, and it's easy and inexpensive to provide.
Cons: Some squirrels refuse to eat it, especially if offered tastier less healthy alternatives
Modified Rodent Block
If your squirrel will not eat any variety of rodent block, try modifying the base block to be more palatable by
rubbing apple or grape on the block to add sweetness or baking in a coat of peanut butter.
1/2 Cup smooth peanut butter
1 tablespoon walnut oil (or other nut based oil)
4 cups rodent block
800 mg Calcium powder (or crushed capsules) without Vitamin D* (or calculate the amount of calcium based on the phosphorus in the peanut butter to make the ratio 2:1 or 1:1 Ca:Ph)
* Vitamin D should be supplied in the correct amounts in the rodent block. Overdosing on vitamin D may cause death.
Combine the peanut butter with the walnut oil and microwave until smooth and liquid (approximately 1 minute). Stir in the calcium powder until thoroughly mixed. Pour over the rodent block and mix until every block is evenly coated. Cover and let sit for at least an hour or overnight so that block absorbs some of the peanut flavor. On parchment paper or a lightly grease baking sheet, lay out in a single layer and ake 225 degrees Fahrenheit for one hour. Let block cool completely before placing in a covered dish or bag. Store up to 2 weeks in the refrigerator.
Daily Amount: Put out 3-4 blocks or as much as the squirrel will eat in a day
Pros: Its a nutritionally complete and balanced food for your squirrel and its still pretty easy and inexpensive to provide. A healthy and inexpensive option to feed wild outside squirrels. SUPERIOR BY FAR than feeding corn, peanuts and sunflower seed mixes.
Cons: It adds fat to the block which may be a disadvantage for fat squirrels. Some squirrels still wont eat it or will just eat the butter coating and toss the rest on the floor. Balancing the phosphorus with added calcium can result in too much calcium in the diet.