Where to Get Help for
Birds and Other Mammals
Squirrel refuge’s mission is to provide services to injured and orphaned squirrels. We will take other small mammals as space permits; however, during peak baby squirrel seasons (April through September) it is rare for us to have available space, caregivers, medical and financial resources to care of other species. In many cases, as with birds, raccoons, and deer we do not have the licensing to legally take these animals into rehabilitation. Squirrel refuge is run by the only licensed wildlife rehabilitator in Clark county who; in addition to caring for wildlife, works full time to fund the costs associated with this service (food, housing, veterinary bills, etc.) This means that in many cases you will need to reach out to licensed rehabilitators in surrounding counties for help.
Most people are surprised to find that there are so few resources for wildlife. There is no state run agency, like animal control, that will come out free of charge and pickup injured or problematic wildlife. Please consider getting involved in our initiative to start a wildlife center here in Southwest Washington to facilitate expanding the rehabilitator resources to meet the needs of Clark County’s wildlife.
The volunteers at Squirrel Refuge are 100% utilized caring for orphaned and distressed wildlife and do not have time to transport wildlife for you. We can't do it alone, but together we can make a difference for these animals. Please be willing to do your part by transporting the animal to resources that can help.
Below is a list of resources for wildlife to help you either administer immediate care and/or if needed, transport the animal to the nearest wildlife rehabber for that species.